I love a simple solution, when it works. Hey, multiple
sclerosis is almost never simple!
Spasticity is a real problem for lots of MSers. Almost without
warning and occasionally for excruciatingly long periods of time, our muscles
can cramp up and seize up and hunch us into tight little bundles of agony.
Try that on horseback.
Sure, horseback riding can be
excellent for working on balance and overall fitness. But correct and effective
equestrian posture means the rider needs to stretch his or her legs down long around
the horse. (OK, horse racing jockeys take an altogether different approach, but
that’s another story.)
I dabble in dressage, along with some trail riding and
Western dressage. That means my legs need to be as long as possible,
particularly for a short person.
Enter MS spasticity,
and it can really cramp my style in the saddle, so to speak.

Voila. That did the
For my next ride at the barn, I wore my own five-pound
ankle weights, attaching the Velcro straps right over my dressage breeches
and paddock boots. Whew! They did the trick! My posture improved immediately.
The horse became remarkably more responsive to my leg cues.
Seriously, I love a simple solution.
Anyone battling multiple sclerosis knows that our feet often
feel heavy enough. On our worst days, we trudge along and can almost swear we
are already wearing invisible ankle weights. But on horseback, the extra
baggage can actually help to stretch our cramped-up legs down and offer a bit
of relief.
Kiefer ankle weights
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