
ParoXysms - Facing MS symptoms from A to Z

Extreme and unpleasant, paroxysms tend to be part and parcel of life for many folks with multiple sclerosis.

What are paroxysms? Basically, these are sudden attacks or increases of certain symptoms. Paroxysms of MS might include

  • balance problems
  • extreme fatigue
  • itching, burning, or numbness in seemingly random spots
  • lack of coordination (especially dropping things)
  • loss of bladder or bowel control
  • mood swings
  • muscle contractions
  • sharp pains (especially in the neck or back or on one side of the face)
  • spasticity
  • speech difficulties (especially slurred words)
  • swallowing problems
  • tingling or twitching
  • vision problems
  • and more.

One of the most cryptic and seemingly inexplicable paroxysmal symptoms of MS is the onset of sudden body temperature fluctuations. Somewhat similar to menopausal hot flashes (but not likely to be hormonal in nature), these make the MSer feel as if his or her internal thermostat is altogether out of whack. The person may be hot, clammy, and sweating one moment – and shivering with cold soon afterwards. This may be wholly unrelated to the actual conditions around him or her.

Often, these sudden episodes are short-lived, although that may not always be the case. Such instances may be soon repeated, or they may return at some surprise occasion. Some MSers claim paroxysmal symptoms usually herald the pending arrival of MS exacerbations.

Word cloud generated by Kicking MS to the Curb - All rights reserved
Series title graphic adapted from public domain artwork.

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Weakness - Facing MS symptoms from A to Z

Whoa, baby. I could write the book on this multiple sclerosis symptom sometimes. Like this week! At other times, I fight the MS MonSter pretty well. (Any MSer knows this dichotomy.)

Like many MS warriors, I have had to educate friends and loved ones (as well as myself) about this weird weariness phenomenon. It’s really hard to grasp, because the proverbial bar seems to move at its own every whim.

When it hits, it's not basic fatigue. This is can-no-longer-make-your-body-work-properly weakness. It's not that we cannot lift weights. It's that we already feel like we're bogged down.

Have you ever heard of the Spoons Theory? The idea, which seems to have been formulated by Christine Miserandino, suggests each person with any number of disabilities is given a handful of spoons each day. The spoons represent personal energy. The day’s exertions (of all sorts) cost spoons. But there’s a catch: No one knows how many spoons he or she has received on any given day. At some point, they simply run out.

My MS neurologist likens this idea to an energy bank. It’s impossible to look inside and determine the current balance.

That’s what happens with MS. We can go from 50 mph to zero in nothing flat.

I wish my horse could read. I’m not even kidding! Maybe then she’d understand why some days can bring her to the barn, brush and saddle her and ride her till we’re both happy-tired and glowing. And then on other days, I am totally toast-tired within minutes of flopping into the saddle.

Often, I enjoy going to the gym to workout. I lift and press and do other weight exercises. But when MS weakness strikes, I may need to ask someone to crank open my water bottle, lift a bag of groceries, or carry a laundry basket upstairs. On the worst days, I might not even carry two empty plates across the room at once.

It’s crazy. It’s weird. And it’s wearying.

Word cloud generated by Kicking MS to the Curb - All rights reserved
Series title graphic adapted from public domain artwork.

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.
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Vertigo - Facing MS symptoms from A to Z

Vertigo is veritably a vexing vehicle of vacillation, especially for anyone with multiple sclerosis – even if the person is virtually not moving at all. How’s that for a voluminous vessel of vital vernacular for V-Day? 

I’ve voiced plenty about vertigo on this website, because verily, I have vied with this vicious victimizer all too often.

Aim your vision at these vertigo posts, which may volunteer helpful information. (Maybe they’ll go viral!)

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Word cloud generated by Kicking MS to the Curb - All rights reserved
Series title graphic adapted from public domain artwork.

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You are invited to join the Kicking MS to the Curb page on Facebook and the Making the Most of MS board on Pinterest.