Vertigo is a common complaint among individuals living with
multiple sclerosis.
There’s no way to put a happy spin on it. Vertigo feels like
the worst carnival ride on a day with no breeze. It’s like being carsick
without ever climbing into a car, seasick without boarding a boat, and airsick
without stepping onto an airplane – all rolled together.
Vertigo is like the most nauseating tipsy drinking binges,
but there’s no party included.
It’s being dizzy without actually spinning around.
Often, an MSer’s vertigo is a symptom of the condition, stemming from the central nervous system demyelinating disease.
Sometimes, however,
vertigo may be as simple as an inner ear problem.
In non-MSers, vertigo is frequently attributed to the
misplacement of miniscule calcium crystals in the inner ear. When these
particles move, they can come into contact with the nerves that help to
regulate balance and equilibrium.
This condition is
known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
BPPV may be treated by audiologists, chiropractors,
occupational and physical therapists, physicians, and certain other medical
professionals. This usually involves a simple and fairly painless procedure
called the Epley Maneuver.
Take a look:
This repositioning maneuver essentially shakes the calcium
crystals loose, inside the inner ear, in many cases relieving BPPV.
However, MS-related vertigo may not respond. That’s where
the MS specialist enters the picture with alternate therapies and perhaps
Is your head spinning
Got vertigo? Try this first!
Created by this user
With public domain artwork
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