Living with M.S.

"Living with M.S. is sort of like training for a long race. The harder you try, and the longer you keep at it, the stronger you become.
Eventually, looking back, you may be amazed at the power you possessed, even when you had no idea it was within your reach." (Linda Ann Nickerson)


Can MS mess with your handwriting?


I’m pretty sure living with multiple sclerosis has something to do with my penmanship becoming nearly illegible chicken scratch.

 I’m having flashbacks to elementary school, where we sat and scratched out basic cursive writing on those tri-lined newsprint note pads for hours on end. We weren’t allowed to quit until our letters matched those on the cursive ABC strip that lined the top of the blackboards at the front of the classroom. 

  Now in middle age, I find my never-perfect, but perfectly acceptable, penmanship has turned into a sketchy scrawl. Can I blame this on MS, or could it be attributed to some other factors?

 Is my sloppy scribing from aging and arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, writer’s cramp, or MS spasticity?

 Or perhaps I’m simply out of practice, because of my current reliance on typing and dictating to Siri (who has a frequent affinity for homonyms, which can be downright hysterical at times).

 If you live with MS, have you noticed a change in your own handwriting?


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Image/s:  Adapted from public domain image.


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