Living with M.S.

"Living with M.S. is sort of like training for a long race. The harder you try, and the longer you keep at it, the stronger you become.
Eventually, looking back, you may be amazed at the power you possessed, even when you had no idea it was within your reach." (Linda Ann Nickerson)


Quirky: Describing multiple sclerosis from A to Z

Multiple sclerosis is unquestionably one of the most mysterious and disquieting of all medical conditions. With as much scientific research as has been conducted and as close as many experts claim to be to finding a cure, MS still raises tons of queries. What causes MS, and what does it look like in its full-blown form? Those can be challenging questions.

MS is just quirky.

What is quirky?

Quirky is bizarre, capricious, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, freakish, odd, offbeat, outlandish, peculiar, strange, sudden, unaccountable, unconventional, unpredictable, unusual, and weird.

Please don’t call the MSer any of these things, even if we sometimes resemble such remarks. We might not take too kindly to that. But such words definitely describe the MS MonSter quite clearly.

We should know. We wrestle that quirky beast daily,

MS is quirky indeed.

It can be difficult to explain to someone who doesn’t battle multiple sclerosis. MS looks different in everybody who has it. This strange and chronic neurological offender creates a host of weird, unpredictable, and usually sudden symptoms each time he strikes.

One day, the MS MonSter steals a person’s vision (in one or both eyes) or hits hard with nerve pain. Another time, he bobbles someone’s balance, scrambles speech, or wrecks walking. On still another occasion, he vexes with vertigo, confuses concentration, or disrupts basic bodily functions.

Sometimes the dreaded MS MonSter tosses in a multitude of such strange symptoms.

Definitely quirky.

April A to Z Challenge 2016 logo – fair use
 Adapted from public domain artwork

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1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you that MS is quirky (but not those suffering from it, the disease itself). It does manifest itself in so many ways and affects people in so many different ways too.

    Good for you though with keeping up with the challenge! We are definitely in the home stretch!

