Living with M.S.

"Living with M.S. is sort of like training for a long race. The harder you try, and the longer you keep at it, the stronger you become.
Eventually, looking back, you may be amazed at the power you possessed, even when you had no idea it was within your reach." (Linda Ann Nickerson)


A-Z promising quotes: Accomplishment

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) likely didn’t have multiple sclerosis (MS), but he accomplished plenty amid challenges during his lifetime. The American Civil rights figure was born a Virginia slave and rose to become a respected educator, orator, and U.S. Presidential advisor.

The 1901 book titled Up From Slavery was a ghostwritten autobiography of his life.

Here’s what Booker T. Washington said about accomplishments. Maybe we can draw some inspiration for battling the MS MonSter through these words.

“You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals.”
(Booker T. Washington)

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including adapted public domain artwork

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  1. What an awesome quote. It is so relevant to just about anything.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  2. Great quote! I just pinned it and had to start a new board Quotes and hopefully I'll see it again. I also have MS which I've mentioned on my blog but not very often... Fatigue and spasticity are my primary symptoms.
